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27 June 2024

A meeting was held at the Altai branch of VNIRO with students of the Institute of Biology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State University"

On June 18, specialists from the Altai branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) held an outreach event for 2nd year students of the Institute of Biology of Altai State University.
Chief specialist Irina Teryaeva spoke in detail about the Institute, its branches and prospects for scientific activity, and a video was shown showing the main areas of work of the Altai branch. Acting ichthyology laboratory Alexey Lukerin shared information about the main directions of the laboratory’s work, the specifics of the work of ichthyologists, and the scope of work.
Interesting specimens of fish caught in the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic were shown. A master class was held on determining the age of fish by otoliths and scales, which certainly aroused keen interest among the children. The chief specialist of the hydrobiology laboratory, Galina Tolkushkina, prepared samples of commercial invertebrates, which the students were able to carefully look at using a microscope.
During the event, students asked questions about employment opportunities in the branch, to which they received comprehensive answers.
Such events make an invaluable contribution to replenishing the scientific staff with young specialists and to the development of fisheries science in general.
VNIRO press service