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17 October 2024

A meeting with biology students was held at the Saratov branch of VNIRO

The format of events in the form of excursions to industry institutions is considered the most effective for senior students of specialized universities, since it allows them to get as close as possible to the specialty of interest and see the future profession "from the inside".
On October 15, a meeting of students of the biological faculty of the Saratov National Research State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, accompanied by the deputy dean for social and educational work Voronin M. Yu. and employees of the branch, took place within the walls of the Saratov branch of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation "All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography" (VNIRO).
The head of the branch Anatoly Bogachev greeted the participants of the meeting and spoke about VNIRO's interest in attracting young specialists and measures to support young employees of the institute.
Senior specialist of the fisheries monitoring laboratory Guzeeva L. V. spoke about the history of the formation of the Saratov branch, its structure, as well as the research conducted.
After the presentation, Deputy Head of the Branch Belyanin I.A., Head of the Laboratory of Fisheries Ecology Shashulovskaya E.A. and Head of the Laboratory of Hydrobiology Dzhayani E.A. conducted excursions around the laboratories of the branch as potential bases for pre-graduation practice for students. The specialists of the branch shared their experience with the students and discussed the issues of choosing a profession.
Paradoxically, those who, it would seem, have already made their choice, need help in developing professional interests in the field they have chosen no less, and sometimes even more: the right mentoring and tactful orientation help students become professionals with all the necessary competencies.
Press service of VNIRO