This rare case of the discovery of this inhabitant of tropical seas in our waters is the second recorded case. The first such fact was noted in Peter the Great Bay at the beginning of the 20th century.
According to the results of the research conducted by Yu.N. Poltev, a leading researcher at the Sakhalin branch of VNIRO, a complete scientific description of the find will be made.
The sailfishwas handed over to colleagues – scientists of local lore, head of the natural science department of the Sakhalin Regional Museum of Local Lore Gennady Matyushkov for the manufacture of an effigy.
VNIRO scientists ask fish producers, amateur fishermen engaged in sport fishing, and anyone who cares about nature, in case of capture or discovery of unknown or rarely encountered fish, if possible, to transmit information about this to the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography.
VNIRO Press Service

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