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06 June 2024

Anadara is a promising fishery target

The bivalve mollusk (in accordance with the Fishing Rules of the AChB - skafarka) is an invader and was first discovered in the Sea of ​​Azov in 1989.
According to the Azov-Black Sea branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) for 2019-2021. the total biomass of anadara in the Sea of ​​Azov amounted to 23 million tons, which determines its potential commercial significance.
Studies of muscle tissue and hemolymph have shown the safety of the mollusk in terms of the content of toxic elements, polychlorinated biphenyls, and pesticides (HCCH, DDT).
The protein content of anadara muscle tissue is about 11%. The raw materials are classified as medium protein. There is a low fat content - less than 1%. Considering the fairly high yield of muscle tissue of anadara (≈19%), data on protein and fat content, as well as low calorie content, anadara can be considered as a raw material for dietary products, and given the low fat content, for dried snacks.
Anadara is the only bivalve mollusk whose circulatory system contains hemoglobin. Due to the high content of biogenic microelements such as iron and zinc, anadara can be considered as a promising raw material for the development of functional food products. For example, due to the presence of iron, anadara products can have a beneficial effect on the normalization of energy metabolism, the synthesis of hemoglobin and myoglobin, and oxygen transport in the body.
Complex processing of Azov anadara can include not only the production of food products from muscle tissue and functional products from hemolymph, but also the production of calcium, mineral and vitamin supplements for agricultural and ornamental birds.
VNIRO press service