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11 December 2024

Artificial reproduction at salmon hatcheries in the Magadan region

This year, employees of the Magadan branch of the Russian State Research Center "All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography" (VNIRO), during regular visits to salmon hatcheries of the Okhotsk branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Glavrybvod", continued annual sampling activities to determine the quality of otolith marking of Pacific salmon (chum, pink salmon and coho salmon of the 2023-2024 generation).
During these works, 86 samples of incubated eggs and juvenile Pacific salmon were processed before release (2580 specimens). As part of the research fishing, the microstructures of sagittal otoliths of fish spawners in the amount of 2903 specimens were removed and analyzed, returning to the base rivers of the continental coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.
The main objectives of the research are to collect information on the effectiveness of artificial reproduction by analyzing the qualitative and quantitative composition of returned Pacific salmon and monitoring the conditions of the technological process of otolith marking of incubation-larval material at state fish hatcheries within the boundaries of the Magadan Region.
Preparatory activities are currently underway to mark Pacific salmon of the new fish breeding cycle of 2024-2025.
Press Service of VNIRO