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05 September 2024

Comprehensive survey of Kamchatka crab in the Barents Sea completed

Scientists from the Polar Branch, together with specialists from the Central Institute of the Russian State Research Center, the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), conducted a comprehensive survey of Kamchatka crab stocks in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Russia in the Barents Sea.
This survey covers a vast area of ​​water in the EEZ of Russia (the southern part of the Barents Sea) and includes areas where this invertebrate is currently being fished. During the voyage, they conducted research to study the characteristics and patterns of the spatial distribution of the Kamchatka crab, aspects of its biology (size and sex composition, maturity, fertility, condition of the integument, diseases and parasite fauna), and also carried out comprehensive oceanographic and ichthyological studies, collected materials to assess environmental pollution, biochemical and technological research.
150 oceanographic and 150 trawl stations have been completed, a large volume of primary data on the biological state of the Kamchatka crab and bottom fish of the Barents Sea has been collected, on the basis of which the commercial stock is assessed and forecasted.
The obtained materials will be used in preparing recommendations for regulating the fishery and forecasts of varying lead times.
Press Service of VNIRO