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21 May 2024

Cooperation between the Northern Branch of VNIRO and amateur fishermen

Atlantic salmon (salmon) of the northern rivers is a traditional fishing object for the local population. Salmon is used as a valuable food resource and ensures food security for coastal settlements. However, overexploitation of Atlantic salmon stocks can lead to significant declines in their populations and even extinction of the species.
In order to preserve Atlantic salmon stocks, prepare forecast materials and develop measures to preserve the species, the Northern Branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) annually conducts resource studies and state monitoring of the state of populations of valuable fish species.
One of the areas of such monitoring is the collection of primary biostatistical data on fishing grounds provided for the organization of recreational fishing. In cooperation with responsible users of fishing grounds, the collection of primary biological data on each individual salmon caught and the filling out of registration sheets is organized. The registration sheets provide special fields in which it is necessary to enter information about the weight, length and sex of the individual, as well as space for placing 3-5 scales. The accounting sheet contains the necessary explanations for taking measurements and drawings.
The result of mutually beneficial cooperation between the branch and amateur fishermen is information on the biological indicators of Atlantic salmon producers that entered the rivers of the Arkhangelsk region and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug to spawn. Subsequently, the data is sent for processing, analysis and preparation of the necessary materials.
Continuing the development of this area of monitoring, the Northern Branch of VNIRO plans to carry out similar work with organizations engaged in industrial fishing, as well as expand the list of fish for which biostatistical material will be collected. Thus, this year it is planned to collect data on pink salmon catches using accounting sheets.
VNIRO press service