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26 June 2024

Employees of the St. Petersburg branch of VNIRO took part in the International Congress “VIII Congress of the Vavilov Society of Genetics and Breeders, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Russian science and higher education”

Three representatives of the St. Petersburg branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) took part in the International Congress “VIII Congress of the Vavilov Society of Genetics and Breeders, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Russian science and higher education,” held on June 14–19 in Saratov based at the Saratov National Research State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky.
The organizers of the Congress were the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Vavilov Society of Genetics and Breeders (VOGiS), the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology (FGBNU VNIISKHM), a number of major regional universities and research centers.
The scientific program of the Congress included presentations by more than 250 plenary speakers on the main scientific areas of genetics and breeding. More than 700 people took part in it, about 300 oral presentations were made, almost 400 poster presentations were presented, and more than 700 abstracts were published. Young scientists made up more than 60% of the participants.
Young scientists from the St. Petersburg branch presented three reports at the Congress: “Interspecific differentiation of commercial fish of the genus Coregonus (C. muksun, C. pidschian) using the SCoT primer method”, “Application of the SCoT primer method for genetic differentiation of vendace (C. albula, C . sardinella)" and "Genetic polymorphism of muksun (C. muksun) and pyzhian (C. pidschian), fam. Coregonidae". Abstracts of the reports were included in the Collection of Abstracts of the International Congress.
The Vavilov Society of Genetics and Breeders (VOGiS) at the Department of Biological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences is an interregional public organization organized in 1992 by the founding conference of 18 regional branches in St. Petersburg. Legal successor of the All-Union Society of Genetics and Breeders named after. N.I. Vavilov, created at the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1966 at the 1st All-Union Congress of Genetics and Breeders. Has more than 2,000 members in 26 regional branches. Main tasks: promotion of knowledge in the field of genetics and selection, participation in the development of research and educational programs, advanced training of young scientists. VOGiS is a member of the International Genetic Federation, the European Association of Genetic Societies.
VNIRO press service