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11 July 2024

Expedition along the tributaries of the Vilyui River

From June 13 to July 3, the Yakut branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) conducted a large expedition to collect data in the I, II and III-order tributaries of the Vilyui River.
The research covered 17 watercourses and 1 lake. The purpose of the work was to replenish the branch's stock data on the food supply for the use of indicators in calculating damage to aquatic biological resources and their habitat, preparing substantiating materials for determining the category of fishery significance of water bodies, assessing the condition of aquatic biological resources and their habitat.
Tributaries of the river Vilyui play an important role in the ecology of aquatic ecosystems, providing food, spawning grounds and habitats for many species.
VNIRO press service