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11 September 2024

Experimental work on testing pike perch feed continues

Successful work carried out by the St. Petersburg branch of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) on the formation of pike-perch broodstocks in cages, indicates the possibility of cultivating this species on artificial diets from larvae or fingerlings.
However, the feeds for salmon and sturgeon species offered on the market do not fully satisfy the needs of pike-perch and, as a rule, lead to excessive deposition of lipids in the body cavity and liver, which negatively affects the physiological state of the fish.
Currently, work is underway to test pike-perch feeds with various protein ingredients - soy and pea flour, insect larval meal (black soldier fly) and gaprin (a high-protein product of microbiological synthesis). The results obtained will allow us to determine the most promising protein components of feeds for further research and recommendations for the feed industry.
The developed feeds are intended for use in industrial fish farming. They will save up to 38% of fish meal without losing the total mass of the fish grown and without reducing the quality of fish products. Further research on the development of recipes for specialized feeds for pike perch will expand the range and increase the production volumes of delicacy fish products of industrial aquaculture.
Press service of VNIRO