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02 July 2024

Field studies at the Yuzhnouralsk reservoir

During the period from June 24 to June 30, specialists from the aquaculture laboratory of the Ural branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) conducted the next stage of field research at the Yuzhnouralsk reservoir in the Chelyabinsk region.
During the expedition, monitoring was carried out to determine the biological state of the ichthyofauna of the reservoir. Employees measured the depth of the water, its temperature, degree of transparency and flow speed, took hydrochemical samples, and carried out research fishing.
To assess the food supply of fish, samples of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and zoobenthos were taken.
The process of determining current speed through the use of a hydrometer is widely used in hydrology, hydraulic engineering and other areas related to the study of water bodies. The device is placed in a stream of water, the blades begin to rotate, and the built-in sensor records the number of revolutions. A stopwatch measures time and calculates the speed of the current.
VNIRO press service