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19 July 2024

Fisherman's Day at the Perm branch of VNIRO

The Perm branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) hosted a visiting ceremonial meeting of employees dedicated to Fisherman’s Day. Traditionally, the branch staff celebrates “Fisherman’s Day” in nature. This year the Sylvensky Bay of the Kama Reservoir was chosen.
At the celebration, branch employees were presented with departmental awards. E.Yu. was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Russian Federal Fisheries Agency for conscientious and impeccable work in the Russian fisheries complex. Dieva. Thanks to Rosrybolovstvo for significant contribution to the development of the Russian fishery complex - V.V. Bezmaternykh, A.V. Tokarev and A.Ya. Verkholantseva. VNIRO certificates of honor for conscientious and impeccable work were presented to E.Yu. Krainev and S.V. Ponosov.
During the unofficial part of the holiday, quizzes were held on mentions of fish in literary works and songs. Everyone was able to take part in amateur fishing.
VNIRO press service