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30 September 2024

For the first time, Lozsko-Azatskoe Lake in the Vologda Region has been replenished with young pike perch

At the initiative of the Vologda branch of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation "All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography" (VNIRO), since 2014, events on the artificial reproduction of rare and valuable fish species have been carried out on an ongoing basis in the region using funds from compensation measures for damage caused to aquatic bioresources from economic activities. Scientific recommendations developed by the branch with calculations of the maximum permissible volumes of release of young fish are approved annually.
On September 27, Mikhail Borisov, a leading researcher at the Vologda branch of VNIRO, took part in the work of the commission of the North-West Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Fisheries for the implementation of state control over the implementation of measures for the artificial reproduction of aquatic bioresources. Along with fishery protection agencies, the commission included representatives of the North-West branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Glavrybvod and the Department of Agriculture and Food Resources of the Vologda Region.
In the area of ​​the village of Yakovlevo, Belozersky municipal district, almost 240 thousand specimens of yearling pike perch, which were grown at the Fishery LLC in the Kostroma region, were released into Lozsko-Azatskoye Lake. Despite the long journey, the fish felt good and swam actively. In order to increase the survival rate of the released juveniles, the water in the containers was gradually replaced with water from Lozsko-Azatskoye Lake over several hours. Before the release, the commission members visually assessed the condition of the fish, checked the standard weight and the number of juveniles.
The release of juvenile pike perch was successful, no fish mortality was observed.
Press service of VNIRO