The meeting of experts was held within the framework of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco on cooperation in the field of marine fisheries, signed on September 14, 2020 in Rabat and October 14, 2020 in Moscow in accordance with the decision of the first session of the Russian-Moroccan Mixed Commission on Fisheries (June 21, 2021).
The Moroccan delegation was led by Director NIRI Abdelmalek Faraj. The Russian delegation was headed by Konstantin Bandurin, Head of the Atlantic branch of the Institute. On behalf of VNIRO, he expressed deep gratitude to his Moroccan colleagues for fruitful and effective scientific cooperation, emphasizing the importance of joint scientific research in the field of marine fisheries. They serve as a basis for the study of small pelagic fish in the Atlantic zone of Morocco in order to ensure their rational and sustainable use. The staff of the Atlantic branch of the Institute pays special attention to the preparation of the vessel and the scientific group for sea expeditions in the area of Morocco.
Director of the Research Institute Abdelmalek Faraj expressed gratitude to his Russian colleagues for organizing a meeting of experts in the videoconference format. He noted the great contribution of VNIRO scientists to the study of the ecosystem of the Atlantic zone of Morocco and the conduct of expeditions, which are the key to the research of pelagic resources of this area. The Director of the Research Institute stressed that the annual scientific research carried out on VNIRO vessels allows updating data on the state of small pelagic fish in the Atlantic zone of Morocco. Dr. A. Farage announced the commissioning of a new research vessel NIRI, which will begin conducting research in the area of Morocco in 2021. The materials collected by this vessel will complement the data of Russian marine research.
VNIRO and NIRI experts discussed the survey program for the replenishment of small pelagic fish in the area of Morocco, including oceanological, hydrochemical, hydrobiological and ichthyological work; acoustic support of the survey; distribution of layers and trawling sites; the planned scheme of hydrological and plankton stations.
Research work will be carried out in October-November 2021 at the Atlantniro STM in the waters of the Atlantic zone of Morocco from 32º00' to 21º00' s.w. During the expedition, indices of the number of replenishment of the main small pelagic fish species will be determined, studies of the oceanological parameters of the pelagic ecosystem will be conducted, and data arrays will be formed to study the strength of the insitu target of small pelagic fish.
It is planned to carry out 143 trawls, make more than 70 hydrological and more than 40 plankton stations.
The scientific group of the expedition will also include Moroccan specialists who will arrive on board the Atlantniro STM during the ship's call at the port of Casablanca.
In addition, the Russian and Moroccan delegations discussed organizational issues of the upcoming expedition to the region of Morocco.
As a result of the negotiations, the Protocol of the meeting of experts was signed.
VNIRO Press Service

Состоялась Встреча экспертов России и Марокко

Состоялась Встреча экспертов России и Марокко

Состоялась Встреча экспертов России и Марокко

Состоялась Встреча экспертов России и Марокко

Состоялась Встреча экспертов России и Марокко

Состоялась Встреча экспертов России и Марокко

Состоялась Встреча экспертов России и Марокко
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