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06 November 2024

Lake Onega was filled with young whitefish

At the initiative of the Vologda branch of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation "All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography" (VNIRO), since 2014, events on the artificial reproduction of rare and valuable fish species have been held in the region on an ongoing basis using funds from compensation measures for damage caused to aquatic bioresources from economic activities.
Scientific recommendations developed by the branch with calculations of the maximum permissible volumes of release of young fish are approved annually.
On October 15 and 31, specialists from the Vologda branch of VNIRO Andrei Ignashev and Sergei Neporotovsky took part in the work of the commission of the North-West Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Fisheries for the implementation of state control over the implementation of events on the artificial reproduction of aquatic bioresources.
More than 93,000 specimens of whitefish fingerlings, which were raised at the Nikolsky Fish Hatchery named after V.P. Vrassky, were released into Lake Onega near the mouth of the Andoma River. Before the release, the commission carried out a visual assessment of the condition of the planting material.
The branch employees measured the temperature and dissolved oxygen content both in the containers themselves and at the release site. The release of whitefish fry was successful, no fish were lost.
VNIRO Press Service