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19 September 2024

Looking beyond the horizon: how the younger generation sees the future of fisheries

The VII International Fishery Forum hosted a presentation of the best projects by students and postgraduates of the Federal Agency for Fisheries, winners of the 2024 competitions.
During the event, an open dialogue between young people and the management of the fisheries complex, “Look beyond the horizon!”, was held, moderated by Kirill Kolonchin, Director of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), Doctor of Economics.
The country's fisheries complex is currently experiencing a shortage of young specialists. Modern training programs at industry universities should solve the personnel problem, but after graduation, only a small number of graduates come to work at enterprises and research institutes in the industry. What are the advantages of working in the fishing industry and science? How do we see the future of the country's fisheries? “Look beyond the horizon!” is an event where leading people in the industry and students of fisheries universities met on equal terms.
During the meeting, the head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries Ilya Shestakov noted that many student projects of 2023 have already begun to be implemented.
This year, the students presented innovative proposals in the field of fish and seafood processing, digitalization and modernization of fishing equipment.
Artem Boyko, a student at the Kamchatka State Technical University, developed the "Technology of freeze-dried molded products from pollock." In fact, this is instant fish noodles, while the product itself is dietary and inexpensive.
Albina Makarenko, a student at the Kerch Marine Technological University, proposed establishing the production of minced mollusks - mussels and squid. The very idea of ​​minced seafood is an innovation.
Alexandra Kolesnikova, a master's student at the Kaliningrad State Technical University, created software to support a comprehensive study of krill biology. She combined all known databases, which allows researchers to quickly obtain the entire array of information about krill. The project can be scaled up to other types of fish.
Ksenia Bogdanovskaya, a student at the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, has developed a technology for industrial cultivation of the macroalga Ulva laktuca.
Postgraduate student at the Astrakhan State Technical University Pavel Polukhin presented a project for marine robotic systems to solve a wide range of problems. The basis of the system is an unmanned boat (sea trials have already been conducted), its equipment includes echo sounders, sonars, and an underwater drone.
The experts highly appreciated all the students' work. The students received practical advice on implementing their innovations.
"All the projects are diverse, but the main thing is that you are passionate about them, that you devote your time to their implementation. Some projects have the potential for commercial promotion, while others are scientific and scientific-practical in nature. It is also great that you present collective projects and know how to work in a team," Ilya Shestakov emphasized.
Press service of VNIRO