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30 May 2024

On May 29, the Yakut branch of VNIRO held the first stage of the Amateur Fishing Championship “Fishing in Science-2024”

The competition took place on the river channel. Lena. It was attended by 8 employees of the Yakut branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO): representatives of the laboratory of aquatic biological resources and the department of financial, legal and support support.
The panel of judges greeted the branch employees and announced the rules of the competition.
Fishing was carried out from the shore for two hours, while the participants used traditional fishing gear for the river. Lena hook tackle: fishing rods.
Fishing was carried out on a catch-and-release basis. After weighing, the fish were released into their natural habitat.
Ivan Aleksandrovich Petrov took first place in the competition. He had the largest catch by weight; in addition, the participant won in the “The very first fish” category. The winner of this tournament will take part in the II stage of the VNIRO Championship.
We congratulate the winner of the first stage of the VNIRO Amateur Fishing Championship “Fishing with Science”, and also thank the participants of the tournament.
VNIRO press service