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28 September 2022

On the results of the 44th session of NAFO

In the period from September 19 to 23, 2022, the 44th session of the Organization for Fisheries in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean (NAFO) was held in Porto (Portugal). The session was attended by delegations from 13 NAFO Contracting Parties: Russia, Canada, Cuba, Denmark (for the Faroe Islands and Greenland), the European Union, France (for Saint Pierre and Miquelon), Iceland, Japan, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and The United States of America.

The 44th session of the NAFO was attended by employees of the Central Office and the Polar Branch of the VNIRO Federal State Budgetary Institution.
According to the results of the 44th session of the NAFO, the values of the ODE for 2023 were set for the following reserves:
  • cod banks Flemish-Cap (3M microdistrict);
  • sea bass of the eastern slopes of the Great Newfoundland Bank (microdistricts 3LN);
  • sea bass of the southwestern slope of the Great Newfoundland Bank (microdistrict 3O);
  • long flounder of microdistricts 3NO;
  • Prickly stingray of the Great Newfoundland Bank (3LNO microdistricts);
  • black halibut of 3LMNO microdistricts;
  • kalmar Illex subdistricts 3+4.
The Contracting Parties decided to extend the moratorium on shrimp fishing in the 3M microdistrict in 2023. Negotiations on the management regime for shrimp fishing in the 3M microdistrict will continue in 2023. The NAFO Commission also extended the moratorium on fishing for pelagic grouper in subdistrict 2 and 1F+3K microdistricts in 2023. The Russian delegation expressed its position regarding the management of this stock, stressing that Russia does not support the ICES point of view about the existence of two stocks of pelagic perch in the Irminger Sea and the adjacent waters of the convention area of NAFO and their depressive state. It was also noted that studies of the pelagic perch stock should be continued using all available scientific and commercial information as a basis.
In addition, the NAFO Commission has elected a new Executive Secretary. He became Brynhildur Benediktsdottir (Iceland). The new Executive Secretary will take up his duties in January 2023.
VNIRO Press Service