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10 September 2024

Pacific salmon approaches to Aniva Bay (Sakhalin Region) assessed

As part of scientific support for the salmon fishing season in the Sakhalin Region, I.I. Gordeev, Senior Researcher at the Pacific Salmon Department of the Central Institute of the Russian State Research Center of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), assessed the approaches of Pacific salmon producers to the rivers of the western coast of Aniva Bay. Along the entire length of the coast from the Uryum River to the Petrovka River, catches usually include pink salmon, chum salmon, and masu salmon.
The expedition was carried out as part of the List of Priority Marine and Freshwater Expeditionary Research of VNIRO for 2024 under the Program: "Comprehensive Research of Salmon in the Russian Far East in 2022-2025."
Monitoring of spawning ground filling in the Sakhalin Region, as in other regions of the Far East, is carried out to assess the dynamics of spawners' approaches, as well as to collect indicators characterizing the living conditions of Pacific salmon (water temperature, oxygen concentration).
In addition to the data characterizing the biological parameters of salmon spawners, assessing the dynamics of the spawning run, hematological, genetic and parasitological samples were collected, which will be further processed in laboratory conditions.
The study of the hematology of Pacific salmon is carried out by VNIRO specialists at different stages of the life cycle, including the period of migration to feeding grounds, feeding, approach to river mouths and anadromous migration to spawning grounds. Understanding the physiological norm is important for the purposes of artificial reproduction and assessing the condition of producers, which are exposed to numerous abiotic and biotic factors, including infection with parasites. As a result of molecular genetic analysis, the population affiliation of the salmon being caught will be clarified.
Press service of VNIRO