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12 November 2024

Rapana is a promising fishery target in the Sea of ​​Azov

The reduction in the volume of freshwater runoff and the increase in the salinity of the Azov Sea are accompanied by a profound restructuring of hydrobiocenoses, the composition and abundance of various ecological groups of ichthyofauna.
Under these conditions, scientists from the Azov-Black Sea branch of the Russian State Research Center “All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography” (VNIRO) are observing a record growth in stocks of commercial mollusks, of which the most common species is the gastropod mollusk rapana. This species is currently an integral part of the biocenoses of the Azov-Black Sea fishery basin and is found in almost the entire water area of ​​the Azov Sea.
According to the VNIRO surveys, the habitat of the rapana extends not only to the Kerch Strait, but also to all areas of the sea with a salinity level of 14.9-15.3 ‰. The stock of rapana in the period from 2011 to 2024 increased 16 times.
The spread of the rapana range throughout the entire water area of ​​the Azov Sea, the growth of its numbers and biomass, allows us to consider this object of the raw material base of Russian fisheries as the main alternative for providing employment for the small fishing fleet, and the aquatic bioresource itself - a promising object of fishing.
High volumes of rapana reserves allow using its raw materials as a more accessible source of protein, biologically active and mineral substances for the feed industry. In terms of nutritional value, rapana is a delicacy. The fat content in meat (leg) is 0.2-0.4%, protein - 15-21%. The protein is characterized by the presence of all essential amino acids, among which leucine and lysine predominate, a high content of taurine is also noted.
Currently, the following standards developed by VNIRO apply to rapana products: GOST 33286-2015 "Chilled and frozen gastropod meat. Specifications", GOST 34421-2018 "Canned rapana and whelk. Specifications". Previously, based on the results of the studies, an assortment of preserves from rapana meat in flavored oil was proposed, including with a smoked aroma, in various sauces, fillings and marinades. Research was carried out in the direction of obtaining enzymatic hydrolysates from rapana meat. Considering that the mollusk shell makes up about 70% of its mass, the Azov-Black Sea branch of VNIRO developed technical specifications TU 10.91.10-003-35350736-2019 "Feed additive for agricultural poultry. Crushed mollusc shells. Technical conditions".
Evaluation, study, analysis of aquatic biological resources in modern conditions and, in general, a complex of scientific research works carried out by scientists in the Azov and Black Seas, allow us to determine promising objects of fishing in the specified water area.
Press service of VNIRO