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10 October 2024

Research of crucian lakes of the Sverdlovsk region

From September 23 to October 4, employees of the aquatic bioresources laboratory of the Ural branch of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation "All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography" (VNIRO) carried out field studies on the lakes Shaitanskoye and Yanychkovo of the Tavdinsky GO of the Sverdlovsk Region.
Specialists carried out control catches, determined the size-age and species composition of the ichthyofauna, and performed a biological analysis. During the expedition, fisheries scientists also collected material for assessing the habitat: samples of zoobenthos, phyto- and zooplankton.
Three species of fish were noted in the ichthyofauna of Lake Shaitanskoye: silver carp, golden carp, and lake minnow. Crucian carp predominate in quantitative terms.
The fish population of Lake Yanychkovo is more diverse and is represented by seven species: silver crucian carp, golden crucian carp, lake minnow, roach, perch, ruff, ide. The dominant species are two species of crucian carp.
Compared to the previous year, a slight increase in the water level is noted, but overall the level remains low relative to high-water periods.
Press service of VNIRO