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10 July 2024

Research was conducted on the state of the Lena population of Siberian sturgeon in the Aldan and Vilyui rivers

The Yakut branch, together with the Central Institute of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), conducted research to study the Lena population of Siberian sturgeon in the Aldan and Vilyui rivers.
The Lena River basin is the only water body in Russia where sturgeon fishing is carried out. Therefore, monitoring to determine the number and reserves of Siberian sturgeon is carried out annually.
Aldan and Vilyui, being large lateral tributaries of the Lena River, were included in the program to study the state of Siberian sturgeon this year. The work was carried out in filming mode: using our own and rented small vessels. Bottom floating nets of different mesh sizes were used as recording fishing gear, and net sets were also carried out.
The research was carried out by two expedition groups in two sections: the first section of the Vilyuy River - from the city of Nyurba to the mouth of the Vilyuy River inclusive (6 sections, 550 km) and the second - from the village of Khandyga to the mouth of the Aldan River inclusive (5 sections, 450 km).
Carrying out work on these sections of the river. Lena will allow us to obtain new data on spawning migration, distribution of sturgeon fish species, assess their numbers and the condition of the mature part of the Siberian sturgeon population, as well as assess the condition of the food supply.
In 2023, studies of the current biological state and abundance, as well as the food supply of Siberian sturgeon, were carried out in the middle, lower reaches and delta of the river. Lena. According to the results of research in 2023, the total number and biomass of Siberian sturgeon in the river. Lena amounted to 1,147,244 copies. and 605 tons.
VNIRO press service