Resource research is the main focus of the department. In 2024, regular observations were carried out on the distribution, abundance, quality and reproduction of semi-anadromous and river fish that are objects of fishing in the Northern Caspian in areas of extraction of aquatic biological resources, in places of storage and processing of fish, at fishing enterprises in the city of Lagan and at transshipment points, on the Sostinsky Lakes. Statistical data on the equipment of the fishery and the volume of fish caught were collected. Research fishing was carried out in two orders of fixed nets on the Sostinsky Lakes. To assess the effectiveness of natural reproduction, juvenile fish were caught in spawning grounds along the Kalmyk coast of the Northern Caspian and on the Sostinsky Lakes in June-July.
Observations were made on the habitat conditions in the fishing areas and at the fish spawning sites with the determination of hydrological and hydrochemical indicators, clarification of the areas of flooding of spawning grounds.
The annual catch of semi-anadromous and river fish in the North-West and North Caspian fishery sub-areas of the Northern Caspian off the coast of the Republic of Kalmykia in 2024 as of the end of December amounted to more than 2.6 thousand tons. Carp, freshwater catfish and pike dominated in commercial catches. From the "other" group, rudd, crucian carp and asp prevailed. It should be noted that the catch of asp has increased significantly this year, more than 2 times.
Based on the biological material collected and processed during the year, the commercial stock of fish will be calculated, the forecast of the TAC and the recommended catch volumes (harvesting) of semi-anadromous and river fish in the Caspian Sea off the coast of Kalmykia and on the Sostinsky lakes for the forecast year will be developed.
Press service of VNIRO