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25 November 2024

River monitoring studies in the delta and foredelta of the Volga River have been completed

In the second half of November, monitoring studies were completed on the watercourses and reservoirs of the Volga River delta and avant-delta (Main, Belinsky, Karaysky banks), including fishing areas and fish reception points, where a full biological analysis was carried out and mass measurements of semi-anadromous and river fish species from commercial catches were taken.
Along with observing the fishery and collecting biostatistical material, scientists also assessed the intensity of amateur fishing. In addition to studying the qualitative and quantitative structure of commercial populations of semi-anadromous and river fish, the intensity of fishing, the staff also studied other types of aquatic biological resources - sturgeon and crayfish.
The last to return from the navigation period were the KS-36, which was on the Karaysky bank, and the m/v Raskat, on which research was carried out on the Belinsky bank of the Volga avant-delta.
In the coastal zone of the Karaisky Bank fishery, pike predominated in the catches of secrets and nets (more than 40%), in second place in terms of catch was rudd (20.2%), crucian carp and perch were caught in almost equal quantities (15%). On the Belinsky Bank, pike also dominated (more than 50%), the share of carp did not exceed 10-15%, bream, catfish, crucian carp, perch, asp, and white bream were also found in the catches.
The results of the collected biological material will be included in the scientific substantiation in the preparation of forecasts of the total permissible catch and recommended catch of aquatic biological resources, will serve as a basis for developing recommendations for the rational exploitation of their reserves.
Press service of VNIRO