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13 December 2024

Scientists from the Azov-Black Sea branch of VNIRO have assessed the number of young fish in the lower Don

The Lower Don basin has historically played a key role in the reproduction of anadromous and semi-anadromous fish stocks in the Azov Sea. The main spawning grounds of the Black Sea-Azov anadromous herring, vimba, bream, and a significant part of the spawning grounds of pike perch and roach were located here. In the spring, vast areas of the floodplain, the so-called "zaimishcha", were flooded, providing the necessary conditions for spawning, development, and migration of juvenile semi-anadromous and migratory fish species.
The Azov-Black Sea branch of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation "All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography" (VNIRO) is the only scientific institution that carries out regular research to assess the effectiveness of natural reproduction of fish in the lower reaches of the Don River. The research is comprehensive, allowing us to assess the state of the aquatic ecosystem of the lower Don as a whole.
This year, specialists from the Azov-Black Sea branch of VNIRO also conducted expeditionary research to count juvenile fish in the Don River.
The greatest attention was paid to coastal catches, which allowed us to determine the number of juveniles not only of the main commercial fish, but also to assess the general state of natural fish reproduction in the Don. In total, more than 51 thousand fish specimens were caught and counted.
The fish of the lower Don basin are diverse in their biology, which is manifested in differences in the timing, duration and places of spawning, preferred spawning substrate, and the development and biology of early juveniles.
For the current state of the Don River, the current year, in terms of the combination of hydrological and weather conditions, was relatively favorable for spawning and development of juveniles, despite the fact that the river's water content was insignificant.
In general, the number of yearlings (young fish of this year), estimated based on the results of the expedition, in 2024 turned out to be higher than the indicators of the previous two years. The basis of the yearlings, as in previous years, was bleak, bitterling and roach.
VNIRO employees also noted the appearance and dispersal of new species in the Don. The number of sunfish is increasing. Freshwater shrimps are found in a mosaic pattern in the river delta. The appearance of rice fish (medaka) has been discovered in the left-bank part of the lower reaches of the Don delta.
The data obtained during the expeditionary research show that despite many negative factors (regulation, withdrawal of part of the flow, development of the coastal strip, shipping, etc.), the lower Don still retains part of its reproductive potential. This fact should be taken into account by both economic entities and the relevant authorities when planning, coordinating, monitoring and implementing economic activities in the coastal areas of the lower Don, in order to preserve its fishery importance.
Press service of VNIRO