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02 December 2024

Scientists from the Pacific branch of VNIRO conducted research into the coastal waters of Primorye

At an extended meeting of the Biological Section of the Academic Council of the Pacific Branch of the Russian State Research Center “All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography” (VNIRO), the cruise report “Spatial distribution, biological features and resources of coastal commercial invertebrates and macrophytes of southern Primorye (Sea of ​​Japan, Primorye subzone)” on the R/V “Ubezhdenny” was reviewed.
The materials were devoted to the results of research in the coastal waters of Primorye from Reid Pallada Bay to Preobrazhenie Bay, carried out by diving.
During the expedition, scientists from the benthos, commercial invertebrates and algae laboratories of the branch carried out a diving hydrobiological survey (686 stations), conducted a biological analysis of 657 specimens, measured 9.5 thousand aquatic organisms, identified 27 species of macrophytes, 92 species of invertebrates. Researchers from the Marine Mammal Laboratory have carried out a visual survey of largha seals in diving areas.
The analysis of the collected materials will allow us to assess the parameters of the habitat (for example, the level of impact of marine mammals on invertebrate aggregations), the state of aquatic biological resources, and to formulate the volumes of the total allowable catch and recommended catch.
VNIRO Press Service