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22 April 2024

Smelt fishing on Uka

The scientific expedition of specialists from the Kamchatka branch of "VNIRO" ("KamchatNIRO") to the favorite fishing spot - the river - has ended. Uka (Karaginsky district).
The Uka River is located in the northeast of the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Karaginsky region. It flows into the Ukinskaya Bay of the Litke Strait.
Control fishing was carried out using fishing gear according to the standard scheme of control stations.
The main goal of the study is traditional - to assess the state of smelt stocks, the average daily catch, as well as the number of amateur fishermen in the reservoir.
So, in March days the catch per fisherman in the lower reaches of the river. Uka and in the Ukinsk Estuary amounted to 85–95 specimens. About 15–20 fishermen fishing for smelt were on the ice every day. Which corresponded to a daily catch of 200 to 280 kg of toothy fish. The average body weight of the Ukrainian smelt was 150–160 grams and this is a record result for the winter-spring season.
For comparison, in the same research period in 2023, the average productivity of smelt fishing in the river. The decline was lower than in the current year, amounting to about 50 specimens per person, as well as its body weight - 120 grams.
In addition, in the south of the Karaginsky district, experts noted an unprecedentedly large amount of navaga.
VNIRO press service