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22 August 2024

Start of the Great African Expedition

On August 21, a ceremonial event dedicated to the start of the Great African Expedition (GAE) of the Russian State Scientific Center, the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) took place in Kaliningrad. Two research vessels, ATLANTNIRO and ATLANTIDA, will conduct comprehensive research in the territorial waters and exclusive economic zone of eighteen African countries as part of the GAE.
The event's guests of honor were Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Patrushev, Head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries Ilya Shestakov, and Acting Governor of the Kaliningrad Region Alexey Besprozvannykh.
Addressing the participants of the ceremonial event, Dmitry Patrushev noted that the expedition has an important task - to assess the reserves of aquatic bioresources off the coast of Africa and discover new fishing areas. The international role of the starting Great African Expedition is no less important.
"African countries will be given access to information on fish stocks. This will be our country's contribution to ensuring global food security," emphasized Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Patrushev.
Head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries Ilya Shestakov noted the merits of VNIRO scientists, who conduct hundreds of expeditions every year, as a result of which the efficiency of using aquatic bioresources increases.
Acting Governor of the Kaliningrad Region Alexey Besprozvannykh in his address to the participants of the Great African Expedition emphasized the importance of systematic scientific work to find new fish stocks. In the person of science, Russian fishermen have the opportunity to increase catch volumes.
The Patriarchal Vicar of the Kaliningrad Metropolis, Metropolitan Seraphim of the Baltic and Svetlogorsk, addressed the participants with pastoral parting words and blessing, reading a prayer for the success of the expedition and presenting an icon with the face of St. Seraphim of Sarov.
Director of VNIRO, Doctor of Economics Kirill Kolonchin reported to the guests of honor on the readiness of research vessels, crews and research groups to carry out the tasks outlined within the framework of the Great African Expedition.
Dmitry Patrushev, Ilya Shestakov and Alexey Besprozvannykh gave the start to the expedition with a symbolic blow on the bell.
Then the guests of honor, accompanied by the director of VNIRO, took a tour of the research vessel "ATLANTIRO", during which they got acquainted with the preparation of the vessel and the equipment of the scientific laboratories, and also talked with the crew members and scientists.
The ceremonial event dedicated to the start of the Great African Expedition was attended by the rector of KSTU Vladimir Volkogon, as well as the command staff and cadets of the training four-masted barque "Kruzenshtern", which at a number of stages of the Great African Expedition will join the research vessels of VNIRO and will represent the Russian flag in international waters.
Press service of VNIRO