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27 September 2024

Student practice in the chemical laboratory of the Magadan branch of VNIRO

Fourth-year biology students (major in Biology, Ecology and Environmental Safety) of the North-Eastern State University (Magadan) are undergoing a two-week industrial practice to gain professional skills and experience in the chemical laboratory of ecology of fishery water bodies of the Magadan branch of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation "All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography" (VNIRO).
The students' mentor was the leading engineer of the laboratory, Svetlana Parkhomenko.
During their industrial practice, students will become familiar with the organization of the work of the laboratory of ecology of fishery water bodies, methodological, regulatory and scientific literature, study the methods of taking measurements, perform the selection and preparation of samples of natural objects, carry out a quantitative chemical analysis of samples of natural objects and aquatic biological resources in compliance with the rules of safe work, process the results of the analysis using information technology, prepare documentation in accordance with the requirements of industry and international standards, perform a statistical assessment of the results obtained and an assessment of the metrological characteristics.
Before the start of the practice, the head of the branch, Evgeny Metelev, held a conversation with the students. After a warm welcome and a welcoming speech, he presented the future biologists with souvenirs with the symbols of the Magadan branch of VNIRO with a wish for successful graduation, and also expressed hope for their joining the friendly family of scientific workers of the branch.
Press service of VNIRO