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03 October 2024

The advanced training course on the VNIRO Training Portal has been completed

From September 19 to 26, researchers from the Pacific branch of the Russian State Research Center of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) held lectures via videoconference on the topic of "Pollution of the Seas, Its Consequences, and Analysis of the Safety of Aquatic Biological Resources and Their Habitat."
The key goal is to develop and improve professional competencies necessary for studying and developing biological resources, monitoring the safety of aquatic biological resources and their habitat. This training course was implemented within the framework of the Competence Center "Mentoring" subprogram, which is aimed at students from VNIRO branches.
41 specialists from 7 branches familiarized themselves with the program materials: the Central Institute, Pacific, Sakhalin, Tyumen, Perm, Azov-Black Sea, Tatar.
As a result of mastering the training course, the students structured and expanded their knowledge of the problems of pollution of the World Ocean, the specifics of the impact of each type of pollution on various components of marine ecosystems, aquatic bioresources, the main methods of collecting and processing samples for analyzing the quality of aquatic hydrobionts and their habitat.
The program is based on regulatory and technical documents on the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of hydrobiology, ecology, ecotoxicology, monitoring, other modern publications on this topic, and most importantly - a systematized analysis of the many years of experience of mentors.
The authors of the program and lecturers were scientists from the Pacific branch.
The next step involves the use of the acquired knowledge in practice, including the free manifestation of initiative aimed at popularizing and improving the environmental culture of compatriots, a feasible contribution to the formation of habits and skills of caring for nature.
Press service of VNIRO