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23 July 2024

The Azov-Black Sea branch of VNIRO conducted an educational excursion for biology students of the Southern Federal University

On July 16–18, employees of the Azov-Black Sea branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) conducted an excursion for first-year students of the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology of the Southern Federal University as part of early career guidance for young people, taking into account their individual characteristics and motivation to work in the branch.
Deputy head of the branch Vladimir Belousov and staff told students about the history of the branch, the nature of the activities of fishery scientists, expeditionary research in the Azov and Black Seas, as well as freshwater bodies of the Azov-Black Sea basin, the main activities and achievements of the branch.
Laboratory staff demonstrated work on scientific equipment and spoke about the main promising research being carried out by the branch’s specialists in the field of scientific support for fisheries and the conservation of biological diversity of water bodies.
Students visited the laboratories of Azov Sea fish, analytical control of aquatic ecosystems, hydrochemistry, hydrobiology, genetic research, the aquaculture center and other departments, and visually became acquainted with the work of fisheries scientists. They were shown in practice methods for analyzing aquatic biological resources, water and soil, determining the age of fish, genetic analyzes and even were given the opportunity to take part in applied research.
Branch employees offered future biologists ways of cooperation within the framework of scientific research and career guidance.
Biology students received detailed answers to questions about what opportunities the Azov-Black Sea branch of VNIRO provides for professional growth. The Institute pays great attention to the professional development of scientific personnel and the formation of young specialists. The Institute has a Council of Young Scientists.
This excursion became another contribution to the work carried out by the Azov-Black Sea branch of VNIRO to raise the prestige of fisheries science. The branch regularly hosts introductory excursions for students and schoolchildren; the branch provides ample opportunities for educational practice, preparation of scientific papers, and also allows students to decide in advance on the choice of future specialization in a wide range of professions related to fisheries science.
VNIRO press service