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29 May 2024

The Khabarovsk branch of VNIRO held the first stage of the Amateur Fishing Championship “Fishing by Science”

On May 24, the Khabarovsk branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) held the first stage of the Amateur Fishing Championship “Fishing in Science-2024” on the river. Amur.
The competition took place in the suburbs of Khabarovsk on the Pemzenskaya channel. 6 employees of the branch took part in it: representatives of scientific and other departments.
Fishing was carried out from the shore for three hours, while the participants used traditional fishing gear for the river. Amur hook tackle: fishing rods or spinning rods. The main catches of the participants were the squeaky killer whale. The weight of the caught fish varied from 25.3 to 210.2 g. The chief judge of the competition, German Novomodny, used a net to determine the species diversity of fish living in the channel near the shore. It consisted of 17 species: crucian carp, black belly podust, minnows, squalidus, bitterlings, spined loaches, seaweed, little killer whale, squeaky killer whale, leptobocia.
Fishing was carried out on a catch-and-release basis. After weighing, the fish were released into their natural habitat. However, the “winning crucian carp” was taken to replenish the live exhibition of the Ammurarium.
As a result, having caught the largest fish, the deputy head of the branch, Ekaterina Kurilova, won with a catch of 250 grams. Second and third places were taken by procurement specialist Natalya Korchagina and driver Alexander Mikhailov, respectively.
VNIRO press service