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12 September 2024

The Magadan branch of VNIRO has completed monitoring studies of salmon in the rivers of the Shelikhov Gulf - Nayakhan and Yama

As part of the scientific support for the 2024 salmon fishing season in the Magadan Region, as well as on the basis of the Program of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation, the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO)" "Comprehensive studies of salmon in the Russian Far East in 2022-2025 and the list of priority expeditionary studies for 2024", specialists from the Magadan branch carried out monitoring work in the Shelikhov Bay.
Representative material was collected characterizing the biological state of salmon in the main spawning rivers of the continental coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk - Nayakhan and Yama, an assessment was made of the species composition and structure of commercial catches. Materials for molecular genetic studies were obtained.
The salmon fishing season this year developed according to a positive scenario, but its successful completion was prevented by weather conditions that formed in the region. Since the beginning of September, heavy rainfall has fallen over a vast territory of the Magadan Region, and stormy weather has prevented effective fishing for chum and coho salmon on the sea coast.
VNIRO Press Service