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27 May 2024

The Ural branch of VNIRO continues to introduce hydrobiology to schoolchildren

On May 15 and 22, senior specialist of the laboratory of aquatic biological resources of the Ural branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), Nadezhda Klimova, as part of her work with youth, conducted practical classes for students in grades 4 and 5 of the “Excellent Students” school (Ekaterinburg). The purpose of practical lessons is to develop an interest in biology and applied science.
Classes were held in mini-groups, where students explored the living world of Ural reservoirs using microscopes. Many hydrobionts were found in the drops of water: ciliates, rotifers, algae.
The variety of microscopic animals aroused great interest among the children and a lively discussion of the findings, and some of the children expressed a desire to enroll in a specialized chemical and biological class.
VNIRO press service