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14 October 2024

The winner of the all-Russian public award "Standardizer of the Year - 2024" was the team of standardizers of VNIRO

The 5th International Technology Forum "Russian Standardization Week" dedicated to World Standards Day has ended in St. Petersburg. After the plenary session, a solemn award ceremony for the winners of the public award "Standardizer of the Year - 2024" was held.
The forum traditionally becomes a platform for discussing trends in the development of international, regional and national standardization, current areas of standardization, new challenges and practices in technical regulation.
The competition for the Award was organized in accordance with the Action Plan ("roadmap") for the development of standardization in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2027 in order to recognize the merits of highly qualified standardization specialists before society and the state. This is a joint project of the All-Russian Organization for Quality (VOK), the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia), the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Institute of Standardization". The general information partner of the award is RIA "Standards and Quality".
The award ceremony for the winners of the public award "Standardizer of the Year - 2024" was opened by the head of Rosstandart Anton Shalaev. He noted that standardization contributes to increasing the competitiveness and quality of products through the development of new production technologies and the introduction of innovations, and protects against counterfeit products entering production. Standards help in the implementation of the most important task facing the state today - achieving technological sovereignty. The public award "Standardizer of the Year" contributes to the popularization of standardization as a unique tool for improving the quality of life of the country's population, raising a new worthy generation.
The winner of the nomination "For practical contribution to the development of standards of great economic and social importance" was the team of authors of standards developers of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "VNIRO" A.V. Mezhonov, M.M. Dyachenko, E.S. Belomytseva (Central Institute of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation “All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography” (VNIRO)), L.M. Esina (Azov-Black Sea branch of VNIRO, Kerch), L.A. Shapovalova (Polar branch of VNIRO named after N.M. Knipovich, Murmansk), I.V. Tokmakova (Atlantic branch of VNIRO, Kaliningrad), E.S. Chupikova (Pacific branch of VNIRO, Vladivostok), N.N. Kharchenko (Volga-Caspian branch of VNIRO, Astrakhan), T.V. Zakharova (Tyumen branch of VNIRO, Tyumen).
We congratulate our colleagues on their well-deserved victory and wish them to continue supporting the development of standards in the fisheries industry at the highest level for the benefit of Russia! You are true professionals in your field!
Press service of VNIRO