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02 September 2024

VNIRO is conducting a study of the state of fish habitat in the Temernik River

The Temernik River is a small flat river flowing through the territory of the Rostov Region and is a right tributary of the Don River. The river is 35.5 kilometers long, 18 of which are in the urbanized territory of Rostov-on-Don.
In the spring of 2024, as part of monitoring the living conditions of aquatic bioresources in the Temernik River within the boundaries of Rostov-on-Don, employees of the aquatic bioresources center of the Azov-Black Sea branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) conducted a set of studies, including studying the hydrological regime of the water body and determining the species composition of the ichthyofauna living in the river.
During the work, the current composition of the ichthyofauna and the occurrence of individual fish species in the lower reaches of the Temernik River within the boundaries of Rostov-on-Don, as well as the conditions for their natural reproduction, were studied. The study showed that in the river sections below Zmievskaya gully, in the area of ​​the Rostov Zoo, Botanical Garden and railway station, on shallow rocky riffles with a fast current, there are favorable hydrological conditions for spawning of the Black Sea-Azov shemaya and vimba (in the spring, spawners of these fish of both sexes with gonads at maturity stage 4-5 were noted here, which indicates the beginning of spawning).
However, given the significant anthropogenic load on the water regime of the Temernik River, further monitoring of the state of aquatic biological resources and their habitat is required to determine the survival rates of juvenile fish: accounting for juveniles, determining water quality, studying the composition of the food supply.
The research will be continued.
VNIRO Press Service