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30 October 2024

VNIRO products in Kazakhstan

Sauces from mussel meat "Ginger" and "Pikantny", developed by scientists of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation "All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography" (VNIRO) and produced at the site of the technopark "Innopark VNIRO", will be presented in the retail chains of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
With the support of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the City of Moscow and the Moscow Export Center, an export contract was concluded for the export of VNIRO products to the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On October 29, the first batch of mussel sauces "Ginger" and "Pikantny" was shipped under the export contract. VNIRO products will be presented in more than 50 retail chains and online platforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The mussel sauces "Ginger" and "Pikantny" are produced on the basis of hydrolyzed mussel meat on the territory of the Innopark VNIRO technopark, which are a unique development of scientists from the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography.
Mussels contain: potassium, zinc, boron, iodine, iron, selenium, calcium and vitamins: A, C, E, PP, E, D and group B, replaceable and essential amino acids, as well as taurine. Taurine helps maintain the health of the cardiovascular system and antioxidants in the body, eye health and promotes normal liver function, also helps regulate blood glucose levels, increases endurance and promotes faster recovery after exercise.
Mussels help strengthen the immune system, help reduce excess weight, normalize digestion, remove toxins, improve the condition of the skin and hair.
The history of the creation and use of mussel preparations by VNIRO researchers goes back more than 60 years. In 2019, based on the scientific divisions of VNIRO, the Innopark VNIRO technopark resumed experimental production of one of the institute's own scientific developments - the dietary supplement MIGI-K LP. This supplement has the properties of an immunomodulator and a general tonic for the body. The drug is prepared on the basis of substances contained in mussel meat and exhibit a radioprotective effect, is a source of iodine and taurine.
The dietary supplement MIGI-K LP was twice awarded a gold medal for high quality in the Healthy Nutrition category at the international competitions Quality Assurance-2021 and Quality Assurance-2023.
In addition, VNIRO products mussel sauces "Ginger" and "Pikantny" were awarded high awards:
Mussel sauce "Ginger" was recognized as the best and awarded a gold medal in the nominations: "Innovations in technology"; "Innovations in product composition"; "A product for a healthy lifestyle";
The mussel sauce "Ginger" was awarded a Quality Diploma for high quality in the "Healthy Nutrition" category at the international competition "Quality Assurance-2023";
The mussel sauce "Pikantny" was awarded a gold medal for high quality in the "Healthy Nutrition" category at the international competition "Quality Assurance-2023".
Technopark "Innopark VNIRO" has a wide range of innovative solutions in the field of creating food, cosmetic, as well as medical and preventive products based on the processing of aquatic biological resources.
The synergy of science and business in this area will provide consumers with high-quality, tasty and healthy products.
Press service of VNIRO