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29 October 2024

Work on annual monitoring of the state of the brine shrimp in hypersaline lakes of the Altai Territory has been completed

From September 23 to October 4, specialists from the Altai branch of the Russian State Research Center “All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography” (VNIRO) completed work to complete the monitoring of Artemia crustaceans in hyperhaline reservoirs of the Altai Territory during the vegetation period of 2024.
During the trip, 30 reservoirs were surveyed: as part of the monitoring of aquatic biological resources (17 reservoirs) and as part of reconnaissance studies (13 water bodies).
The aim of the work was to assess the production and quantitative indicators of the final generation of Artemia crustaceans.
Due to the low temperature indicators of brine, mirabilite precipitation was noted in some reservoirs. A large number of crustaceans were eliminated in the Kulundinskoye, Kuchukskoye, and Maly Shklo lakes.
Based on the results of the research, samples of phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos, as well as water samples were collected for hydrochemical analysis. The material was delivered to laboratories for office processing.
Press service of VNIRO