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24 September 2024

Young scientists from the Polar and Volga-Caspian branches of VNIRO took part in the Youth Congress of the Federal Agency for Fisheries in St. Petersburg

The event program was a training for more than 80 young professionals from various subordinate organizations and universities from all over the country, aimed at developing state and municipal employees. It included lectures from speakers, group work and project creation.
During the scientific and educational forum "FISHERY SKILLS", work was carried out on the project "Changing the paradigm of food culture: technology for increasing orientation towards the consumption of fish products". The project assumes that in order to popularize fish products among the population of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to change the food culture from childhood, including through thematic lessons in kindergartens and schools, holding festivals in the regions and informing the population about the benefits of aquatic biological resources. In addition, it is necessary to expand the geography of sales points for fish food products, develop new recipes for fish and seafood dishes.
The project was presented at the VII Global Fishery Forum & Seafood Expo Russia 2024, received high marks and was recommended for implementation.
Press service of VNIRO