Trudy VNIRO. Volume 150. 2013. The Black Sea. Current state of an ecosystem and ways of increase of fishery importance
Государственный научный центр Российской Федерации
Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение
Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт
рыбного хозяйства и океанографии

Trudy VNIRO. Volume 150. 2013. The Black Sea. Current state of an ecosystem and ways of increase of fishery importance

Glubokovsky M.K.
From the chief editor

Pereladov M.V.
The Black Sea. From the editor

Glubokovsky M.K., Kotenev B.N.

Pereladov M.V.
Modern status and biological aspects of Veined RapaWhelk (Rapana venosa) in the North-East Black sea

Kumantsov M.I.
The Black Sea Turbot: the Stocks’ Conditions and theWays of Their Preservation and Restoration

Maslova O.N.
Black sea turbot Scophthalmus maeoticus breeding and farming: problems and methods

Skljarov V.J., Bondarenko L.G., Kovalenko J.I., Petrashov V.I., Kashirin A.V., Chernykh E.N.
Aquaculture on the South of Russia, prospects for development

Agatova A.I., Lapina N.M., Torgunova N.I.
Biochemical monitoring of the Black Sea CoastalWaters

Sapozhnikov V.V., Arzhanova N.V., Lapina N.М., Agatova А.I., Torgunova N.I., Zozulya N.М.,
Bondarenko L.G., Vishnevsky S.L., Radchenko S.V., Roi V.I., Stolyarski S.I., Polonsky V.Е.
Complex ecological studies in Kerch Strait and Taman’ bight after oil spill (2007–2010)

Terentyev A.S.
Change in the bottom biocenoses species composition in the Black Sea area before the Kerch Strait as a result of silting

Kumantsov M.I., Kuznetsova E.N., Lapshin O.M.
Comprehensive approach to fisheries management in the Black sea

PodkorytovaA.V., Vafina L.Kh.
Chemical composition of brown algae from the Black Sea: genus Cystoseira, perspectives for their use

Levashov D.E., Sapozhnikov V.V.
The Black Sea as a polygon of working off new technology of oceanological surveys

Levashov D.E., Bulanova N. P.
Hydrobiological probes of TRAP family and the features of mesoplankton instrumental monitoring in the Black Sea

Goncharov S.M.
Hydro-acoustic surveys as tool of monitoring of pelagic fish abundance in the Black Sea

Kotenyov B. N.
For 150-anniversary of Nikolay Mikhaylovich Knipovich birth

Bondarenko M. V., Klovach N. V.
For centenary celebration of Ekaterina Adamovna Yablonskaya birth, who was the outstanding researcher of ecology and fauna of Russian southern seas (1912-2001).