Academic Council

Russian Research Federal Institute for Fishery and Oceanography, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution (“VNIRO”) Regulations

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Academic Council is a consultative body ensuring working out and realization of “VNIRO” (hereinafter referred to as “The Institute”) production policy following its specialization and scientific and economic interests.

1.2. The Academic Council carries out its activity governing by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Federal Fishery Agency Regulations, “VNIRO” Charter, legal acts of “VNIRO” as well as the present Provision.

1.3. The Regulations on the Academic Council and its personnel shall be approved by the chairman of the Institute.

1.4. The chairman of the Academic Council is the director of the Institute. A deputy chairman of the Academic Council shall fulfill the duties of the chairman in case the later is absent.

1.5. The scientific secretary of the Institute shall be the secretary of the Academic Council.

1.6. The Academic Council includes the following members: a director, deputy directors on scientific work, a scientific secretary, heads of scientific units, representatives of public organizations of the Institute and other specialists.

1.7. The Academic Council can include distinguished scientists of other research and development organizations operating in the main areas of research.

1.8. The Academic Council shall organize biological and technological sections for the term up to 3 years. 

1.9. The director of the Institute shall appoint chairmen and secretaries of the sections.

1.10. The sections include heads of the corresponding structural departments and lead specialists of the Institute.

1.11. The personnel of the section shall be approved by the director of the Institute upon their presenting by the chairman of the corresponding research area section. 

1.12. The Academic Council (sections) shall have the right to make decisions in case at least half of the membership is present.

1.13. Decisions shall be made by open voting provided that the Academic Council (sections) does not choose to have secret voting. Provided that the decision thus made shall be considered taken if voted for by at least 50% of the Academic Council members participating in the meeting. 

1.14. Decisions concerning the matters connected with conferment of an academic title shall be made in the order stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.15. All the personnel matters shall be resolved by secret voting.

1.16. At the beginning of every year, the Academic Council shall accept a rough annual activity plan for the Academic Council.


2. Academic Council Objectives

2.1. Development of strategy and main areas of research, scientific, organizational and manufacturing activities of the Institute and its subdivisions; determining its scientific priorities connected with the further fishery field development.

2.2. Discussion of priority and current problems in fishery science, considering projects of annual and perspective research plans and programs, reviewing results of the most significant scientific studies and programs. 

2.3. Review of materials of annual biological validation of the volume of Total Allowable Catches (TACs) of aquatic biological resources (hereinafter referred to as “aquatic biological resources”), volumes of possible yield of aquatic biological resources in relation to which there is no TAC determined. 

2.4. Consideration of suggestions on making amendments and alterations to the most important legal acts regulating the fishery complex activity. 

2.5. Consideration of annual programs and plans on resource studies; discussion and evaluation of their results.

2.6. Discussion of issues on coordination and creative cooperation of the Institute with other scientific organizations and educational institutions.

2.7. Consideration and evaluation of annual reports on research and development activity of basin fishery institutions.

2.8. Enhancement of research methods and scientific and development efficiency increasing.

2.9. Review of annual reports on results of research, scientific, organizational and manufacturing activities of the Institute; discussion of progress of the Institute scientific departments; consideration of the Institute research and development efficiency and effectiveness of their realization.  

2.10. Discussion of areas of the international cooperation development, progress in studies held together with foreign scientific organizations.

2.11. Consideration of enquiries of foreign applicants for carrying out scientific and resource fishery studies within the Russian jurisdiction.

2.12. Discussion of issues on enhancement of inventive activity and working out the Institute patent licensing policy.

2.13. Recommendation of outstanding scientific papers, discoveries and inventions for obtaining State and other kinds of awards.

2.14. Recommendation of outstanding Institute scientists for conferment with titles of honor (Honored Scientist, Honored Fishing Workers and other honored titles).

2.15. Consideration of materials to be submitted to the Higher Attestation Committee at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for conferring a scientific title of a professor or an associate professor with a degree.

2.16. Recommendation of scientific papers for grants.

2.17. Discussion of issues connected with training and advancing scientific personnel and approving of subjects of doctoral and candidate’s thesis as well as appointing research advisors to postgraduates and candidates. 

2.18. Approval of presentations for Ph.D. defence in specialized boards.

2.19. Review of monographs, research papers and collections of articles in order to recommend them for publication.

2.20. Review of reports of research advisors and heads of laboratories at their attestation. 


3. Responsibilities of Academic Council Sections

3.1. Consideration of the current correcting volumes of TACs of aquatic biological resources and volumes of possible yield of aquatic biological resources in relation to which there is no TAC determined.

3.2. Review of amendments and alterations to the fishing rules of fishery basins.

3.3. Making amendments and alterations to the list of the types of biological resources in relation to which there is no TAC determined. 

3.4. Making amendments and alterations to the list of the types of biological resources related to the objects of commercial fishery and coastal fishing.

3.5. Limitation of catching aquatic biological resources.

3.6. Review of drafts of the Russian Fishery orders.

3.7. Discussion of records and current reports of scientific specialists of “VNIRO” and other research organizations and educational institutions in the corresponding areas of activity. 


4. Members of Academic Council (Section) Have Duties to

4.1. Be present at the Academic Council (the corresponding section) meeting and participate in it.

4.2. Take part in preparation of materials passed at the Academic Council (section) meeting.

4.3. Implement decisions of the Academic Council (section) in a good quality and within the term.


5. Members of Academic Council (Section) Have Rights to

5.1. Offer a subject for discussion at the Academic Council (the corresponding section) meetings.

5.2. Participate in discussions and making decisions and, if necessary, declare their special opinion which is specified in the minutes.