Trudy VNIRO. Volume 181. 2020.

Trudy VNIRO. Volume 181. 2020.


Kolonchin K.V., Glubokovsky M.K., Glubokov A.I.
Fishery and academic science – a new stage of collaboration

Bajtalyuk A.A., Adrianov A.V., Akulin V.N., Dyujzen I.V., Kuznetsov M.Y., Kuznetsov Y.A.
Experimental ground for interdisciplinary marine biotechnology science as an effective solution tool for existing problems in fishing industry


Spiridonov V.A., Zalota A.K., Yakovenko V.A., Gorbatenko K.M.
Composition of population and transport of juveniles of Antarctic krill in Powell Basin region (northwestern Weddell Sea) in January 2020

Gorbatenko K.M., Melnikov I.V., Kiyashko S.I.
Seasonal dynamics in fish and squid trophic status in the pelagic Sea of Okhotsk, based on S13C and C15N stable isotope data analysis

Stroganov A.N., Semenova A.V., Rybakov M.O., Smirnov A.A.
On the effect of environmental factors on the formation of variability of the Pacific herring in the area from the White to the Yellow Seas

Fomina A.S., Suhkanova L.V.
Features of Hematological Parameters of the Baikal Omul in Natural and Laboratory Conditions

Solovyeva M.A., Pilipenko G.U., Glazov D.M., Peterfeld V.A., Petrov E.A., Rozhnov V.V.
Movements activity of the Baikal seal according to satellite tagging data


OrlovА.М., SavinA.B., GorbatenkoК.M., BenzikА.N., MorozovT.B., RybakovМ.О., TerentievD.A., Vedishcheva, Е.V., KurbanovYu.K., NosovМ.А., OrlovaS.Yu.
Biological studies in the Russian Far Easternand Arctic seas in the VNIRO Transarctic expedition

Glubokov A.I., Smirnov V.V., Sedova M.A.
The reclamation history of the biological resources of the Volga river from the references to 1917

Karaseva E.M., Arkhipov A.G., Ezhova E.E.
Ichthyoplankton of the South-Eastern Baltic Sea in the summer season: modern changes in the distribution and abundance of eggs and larvae of mass species


Vorobieva O.V., Romanova N.D., Mosharov S.A., Bardukova E.V., Zakharkov S.P.
Phytoplankton production during austral summer in the Bransfield strait

Barabashin Т.О., Korablina I.V., Pavlenko L.F., Skripnik G.V., Bogachev A.N., Beloysov V.N.
Content of toxic substances in the deep-sea and coastal areas of the Black Sea off the Crimean Peninsula in spring – autumn, 2019

Kivva K.K., Selivanova J.V., Pisareva M.N., Sumkina A.A.
Role of physical processes in formation of spring phytoplankton bloom in the Bering Sea


Abramova L.S., Gershunskaya V.V., Kozin A.V., Bondarenko D.A., Murashev A.N.
Study of toxicity of arsenic-containing compounds isolated from brown algae Saccharina japonica in laboratory animals

Podkorytova A.V., Roshchina A.N., Evseeva N.V., Usov A.I., Golovin G.Yu., Popov A.M.
Brown algae of the orders Laminariales and Fucales from the Sakhalin-Kuril region: stocks, extraction, use


Garlov P.E.
To the 120th anniversary of Nikolai Lvovich Gerbilsky

  • Город: Москва