The fish hatchery, located at the scientific and experimental base of the Institute in the village of Lesnoy (National Park "Curonian Spit"), serves to conduct applied research on the artificial reproduction of aquatic biological resources of the Baltic Sea basin, as well as the Curonian and Kaliningrad (Vislinsky) bays.
After the renovation of the premises and modernization of fish breeding facilities, up to 50,000 thousand pieces of whitefish weighing 1 g can be grown in the Atlantic Branch of VNIROexperimental fish hatchery.
In recent years, a number of works have been successfully carried out on the basis of the workshop related to the development of biotechnologies for the reproduction of aquatic biological resources, as well as providing practice-oriented training within the framework of cooperation with Kaliningrad State Technical University
The practical result of this year was the release of whitefish juveniles in the amount of 34 thousand pieces with a weight of 1.3 g, which was carried out in order to compensate for damage caused by economic activity under an agreement with Kattegat LLC.
Morphophysiological and hematological parameters were studied in whitefish released into the Curonian Lagoon in order to assess its quality and physiological condition during cultivation and on the eve of release. Scientific research helps to optimize the work of the experimental fish hatchery, minimize the loss of juveniles and improve their quality.
VNIRO Press Service

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