Aerial surveys to assess the resources of Corfo-Karaginsk herring in 2024
22 May 2024

Aerial surveys to assess the resources of Corfo-Karaginsk herring in 2024

From May 7 to May 13, specialists from the Kamchatka branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), Semyon Veselov and Anton Biryukov, conducted aerial surveys to assess the resources of Corfo-Karaginsk herring. The work was carried out with the assistance of the Fishing Collective Farm named after. IN AND. Lenin".
For more than 80 years, the Kamchatka branch has been monitoring the state of stocks of Corfo-Karaginsk herring - the most important commercial object for Far Eastern fishermen. Traditionally, the forecast for this object is based on the results of research during the spawning period (May) and during its feeding and wintering (November–December), while research on spawning grounds through aerial surveys is of paramount importance.
The tasks of the expedition included: conducting an aerial survey and delineating areas of herring spawning, studying the conditions of reproduction, assessing the intensity of spawning, determining the biological characteristics of herring, and collecting samples of common substrate.
As the head of the expedition, senior specialist of the branch’s marine fish laboratory, Semyon Veselov, said, during almost 10 flight hours on an MI-8 helicopter, the main spawning grounds located in the bays of Korfa, Uala and Anapka were examined, 34 samples of the spawning substrate with eggs laid on it were collected , hydrological studies, mass measurements and complete biological analyzes of fish were carried out.
Unlike previous years, herring spawning was observed in the area of Cape Shilka, in Tymlat Lagoon, Siberia Harbor, and in the bay. Skobelev and near the village of Tilichiki. In addition, in the area of the Alitkunyn spit, south of the mouth of the river. Hyananapka was marked by massive die-offs of producers.
According to preliminary data, the largest spawning this year was in the hall. Anapka. Spawning took place at a time close to the long-term average with a peak on May 7–8.
Currently, the data obtained is being processed, therefore, it is premature to talk about the main results of the expedition - estimates of the spawning stock.
The research results will be used to assess the current and future state of stocks, to justify the TAC of herring in the Karaginskaya subzone for 2026 using mathematical modeling methods.
VNIRO press service