The purpose of the Unique Scientific Facility of VNIRO is to create, maintain and replenish the collection fund of aquatic biological resources materials used for work in the field of fundamental, applied and environmental research, including work on the creation and maintenance of highly productive breeds and lines of fish for the needs of commercial aquaculture, scientific support for the functioning of the genomic selection centers of the Russian Federation for the main fish species of aquaculture objects, assessment of natural genetic biodiversity, restoration of natural populations of rare, as well as valuable and especially valuable species of aquatic bioresources.
Today, the NEKA "BIOS" contains beluga and Russian sturgeon of natural origin and grown from "caviar".
Each fish has its own unique chip number and genetic code, which makes it possible to assess the genetic diversity of the broodstock and the degree of kinship of fish producers, to exclude genetic degeneration of the population due to inbreeding. This will allow in the future to obtain juveniles with a high level of genetic diversity, reduce homozygosity in the offspring and harmful recessive mutations in juveniles, increase the viability of juveniles with a high adaptive potential, which is important when carrying out measures aimed at maintaining the number of sturgeons by releasing juveniles into the natural habitat.
In the autumn, an assessment of the conditions for summer maintenance of mature individuals and junior repair groups is carried out. Based on the results of the work carried out, the increase in fish biomass, fatness and maturity stage of sexual products will be determined.
Press service of VNIRO

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