The Russian delegation was headed by Deputy Director and Head of the Atlantic Branch of VNIRO Konstantin Bandurin.
The Nigerian delegation was represented by Director of the Department of Fisheries Resources of NIOMR Dr. Obatola Ochuko Patience with the participation of a representative of the Federal Ministry of Maritime and Blue Economy of Nigeria Prof. Busayo Fakinlede.
The Santomi delegation was led by the Director of the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture of MADR, Professor João Gomes Pessoa Lima.
During the meetings, specialists from the Atlantic branch of VNIRO presented a preliminary program and objectives of the upcoming joint expeditionary research work.
At the meeting with the Nigerian side, issues of technical organization of the trawl survey for assessing the biomass of demersal aquatic biological resources, the characteristics of the Russian vessel, the specialization and number of NIOMR scientists and the conditions for their accommodation on the vessel, etc. were discussed.
Representatives of Nigeria expressed interest in implementing this program, noting that the results obtained will be useful in developing optimal measures to regulate the fishery.
At the meeting with the Santomi side, various types of surveys of aquatic biological resources were discussed: trawl-acoustic and demersal.
Representatives of Sao Tome and Principe emphasized the important role of pelagic fish stocks in ensuring food security of the country. At the same time, MADR experts expressed concern about the reduction in the catch of demersal resources in the coastal zone and the desire to understand the causes of this phenomenon.
MADR scientists noted the scale and significance of the research conducted by the Soviet Union in the waters of Sao Tome and Principe in the 1980s and their interest in obtaining retrospective data.
The delegation of Sao Tome and Principe expressed deep gratitude to the Russian Federation for its openness to cooperation and the opportunity to conduct joint research on aquatic biological resources, noting that the upcoming research and experience of Russian scientists will contribute to a better understanding of the characteristics of the marine ecosystem of the region.
Both meetings of scientists were held in a friendly atmosphere.
VNIRO Press Service

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