In the Kasli district, ichthyofauna monitoring was carried out on the Irtyash and Sungul lakes, in the Argayash district - on Lake Karagaykul.
Research fishing was carried out with multi-mesh nets and fixed seines of fishermen. The main commercial fish species were examined: roach, perch, bream and pike. Crayfish were also found in the catch.
Based on the results of field work, ichthyologists note the satisfactory condition of the fish, its growth rates and fat reserves are within the limits of long-term changes.
In addition to ichthyological materials, samples of commercial invertebrates were collected from Lake Karagaykul - chironomids and gammarids, which are food for fish. They will be studied in laboratory conditions as part of applied research work for the purpose of conservation and rational use.
VNIRO Press Service

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