Integrated fisheries research in the Arctic: joint expedition of VNIRO and RGO
29 July 2024

Integrated fisheries research in the Arctic: joint expedition of VNIRO and RGO

Ichthyologists from the Tyumen branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) conducted a comprehensive survey in the Khatanga River. The work was carried out jointly with the Russian Geographical Society (RGS).
The scientists conducted ichthyological surveys, collected samples of hydrochemistry, hydrobiology, phyto-, zooplankton and zoobenthos.
During the office work, specialists will determine the state of aquatic bioresources and their habitat, and also assess the degree of possible negative impact on them.
The Khatanga in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is of great importance for fisheries. The river is used for industrial fishing of omul, vendace, nelma, muksun, taimen and char. As soon as the Khatanga is free of ice, a large number of fish rush into it from the Laptev Sea. They return to the sea by the end of August. The most numerous group of commercial species is whitefish, which accounts for over 80% of the total catch in the basin.
Comprehensive research in the Khatanga River was conducted under the current agreement between VNIRO and the Russian Geographical Society and took place within the framework of the comprehensive ecological expedition of the Russian Geographical Society and the Expeditionary Center of the Russian Ministry of Defense "Arctic. General Cleaning".
The scientific group was based in the village of Khatanga. This settlement with a unique history, nature and cultural heritage is becoming Russia's gateway to the North Pole. Volunteers and scientists developed a strategy for the development of territories, conducted scientific research and continued cleaning the coastline from piles of accumulated scrap metal. The focus of the large expedition is the comprehensive restoration of the village's potential as one of Russia's main outposts.
Press Service of VNIRO