The school of Young Scientists will be held on the basis of the campus of Sberbank University in the village of Anosino, Moscow region and will last 5 days – from November 30 to December 04.
The event will be attended by young scientists from various scientific institutes and universities interested in genomic technologies in fisheries science.
The participants will receive lectures and seminars from leading scientists of Russia, a poster session will be held within the framework of the school, the authors of which will be all interested students of the school.
The purpose of the school is to educate talented Russian youth specializing in the study of aquatic biological resources and their habitat. The project provides a rare opportunity to gain comprehensive knowledge necessary for effective scientific research and fisheries management, promotes the formation of communication channels for the exchange of views on fundamental issues of sectoral science and the opportunity for young scientists to communicate with leading specialists in fisheries science and the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Upon graduation, participants are given certificates of advanced training of the state standard according to the program of additional professional education.
Those who wish to participate in the work of the School as students can register by following the link
VNIRO Press Service

IV научная Школа молодых учёных в СберУниверситете

IV научная Школа молодых учёных в СберУниверситете

IV научная Школа молодых учёных в СберУниверситете

IV научная Школа молодых учёных в СберУниверситете
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