The trajectory of their movement is very similar to that on which the younger female killer whale Alexander from the second release moved.
Belugas are located 25 km from Cape Perovsky and move in the opposite direction from killer whales towards Alexandra Bay.
Orca Alexandra got to the Shantar Islands, where now there are other issued out of the Bay the Average animals. It is 40 km from the three of killer whales Zoe, Tikhon, and Nuts, which hunt in the district Udskoe lips.
In the framework of the joint monitoring and exchange of information between VNIRO and the Coalition "For the freedom of the orcas and belugas" Grigory Tsidulko, member of Marine Mammal Council, said that while studies on bowhead whales in the Shantar sea, they and other members of the Board: Svetlana Artemieva and Stanislav Zakharov, August 20, was discovered and labeled the killer whale is one of released in the summer of 2019. The killer whale has been sighted in the Gulf of Constantine. At the time of the meeting, she was in a group with seven other killer whales and participated in the hunt. In front of observers, a family of killer whales caught two seals, which were divided among the members of the group and eaten.
Analysis of photographs taken during the keeping of orcas in b. Average and shot in nature, to determine the tagged whale as "Vasilyevna" is the female is released in the sea of Okhotsk in the first game on June 27.
VNIRO Press Service

Местонахождение косаток и белух на 29 августа

Местонахождение косаток и белух на 29 августа

Местонахождение косаток и белух на 29 августа

Местонахождение косаток и белух на 29 августа
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